Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Bear Takes Aim at Greer - Wednesday June 8th begins.

#Kay Zahn
Wow the smoke has cleared a LOT in Greer . . . Still holding strong. Back burning may have worked (for a while . . again) I'm going to get on the phones and have a look around this morning, and will let you know if I know anything .if you all do the same !!!
June 8 at 6:36am · *
Pamela Train Krasta likes this.
            Pam Walrath Thank you for your updates it helps us that aren't in the area
            June 8 at 6:42am · 
            Kay Zahn Before the big evac. my friends were there TELLING me what was going on, now they are in hotels and such, ASKING me what's going on!
            June 8 at 6:44am · 
            Pam Walrath I imagine! My folks are Bob and Judy Cline and they decided to take refuse down in the valley until evacuation is lifted.
            June 8 at 6:45am · 
            Kay Zahn Oh HI PAM . . . Bob and Judy are a couple of the folks I'm keeping tabs on. I saw them minutes before I left on Saturday, and then they checked in from the hotel in PineTop . . . and then I didn't know where they went . . . thank you ;)
            June 8 at 6:47am · 
            Judy Krick Waiting for your update -- you are one of our best sour
            June 8 at 7:59am · 
            Judy Krick I knew it was going to be hard to be down here in the Valley an
            June 8 at 8:00am · 
            Ginny Dickert McCormick Thank you for keeping us updated!
            June 8 at 9:56am · 
            Kay Zahn Go to for live feed on meeting RIGHT NOW
            June 8 at 9:57am · 
From local evacuated to Eager, 20 min. ago: 2.5 miles from Greer, spot fires shooting out 3 miles from any direction of this inferno. Don't get any closer than this! Feels like it's the bottom of the 12th inning, 2 outs, bases loaded, game 7.....S. Fork just bailed out and Tom Pifer said spot fires have started raining out of the sky at S. Eagar. The war for Eagar is on...I'm confident, Hotshots from other states just keep piling in. May Greer live forever.
June 8 at 7:08am ·     *
            Kay Zahn A little dramatic, but you can "hear" what they are up against. The Fire Service said they were going to do "back burns" in that area. Let's hope that's them !!!
            June 8 at 7:09am · 
            Kay Zahn The comment above came 20 minutes ago . . the friend was evacuated Monday ;)
            June 8 at 7:09am · 
            Pamela Train Krasta ughhh this is just so horrible....
            June 8 at 7:24am · 
            Kay Zahn There are Hotshots standing by all around Greer and Eager . . and the winds seem much calmer, but as we know this fire makes it's own weather. If you look at the maps you can see just how effective they were at saving Alpine, Nutrioso and surrounding areas. These folks are doing there job and doing it well !
            June 8 at 7:28am · 
            Katy Holditch What about all the cattle, how are they rounding them up and getting them out of there?
            June 8 at 7:32am · 
            Kay Zahn My guess is that they are just turning them out . . I know they did that with 50 head of horses in Alpine and over 40 came back. Horses will run to safety however, cattle will stand there and turn into dinner.
            June 8 at 7:33am · 
            Katy Holditch Steak on the hoof.
            June 8 at 7:52am · 
#Kay Zahn
This article says they may start cutting electricity in the affected areas. . . NO . . my web cams . . . I need them . . . . but if they go, you'll know why !  Arizona fires: No end in sight as Wallow continues to grow, The mammoth Wallow Fire continued its relentless advance Tuesday, forcing the evacuation of a major part of Eagar amid rolling power outages and reports of gasoline shortages.
#Gayla Bird
This was just posted on ..Big Lake Arizona
UPDATE UPDATE!!!!!!! As of 8:30AM we have learned that all structures are intact. They did have a few hot spots, but those hard working fire fighters have been working hard to keep the Big Lake recreation area mostly untouched. They have now set up a base camp at Big Lake and Crescent Lake. This is great news. Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. :-) Praise the Lord!
June 8 at 8:38am ·     *
            Kay Zahn That IS fabulous news.
            June 8 at 8:42am · 
            Dawn Bailey Sherman Praise God! I am so overwhelmed by the daunting task these firefighters have faced. Our hearts, prayers & positive thoughts go out to you all!
            June 8 at 9:35am ·
#Kay Zahn
Here's a link to some great pictures from the The Peaks.
These photos of firefighters standing bywill make you feel a LOT better !
Photos Courtesy of The Peaks
June 8 at 8:44am ·
Ginny Dickert McCormick likes this.
Kay Zahn The folks at The Peaks went to get their food (with an escort)to donate to the evacuation center . . . 
Thanks YOU Guys ROCK
June 8 at 9:09am · 
Dawn Bailey Sherman I LOVE THIS!!!
            June 8 at 9:36am · 

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